Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We Are Family....

We are quickly coming up to the holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years; traditionally, holidays where families get together and spend time together.  Lately, especially after the birth of my youngest child back in September, I have reflected a bit on how nice it is to have a very close family.

By close I do not mean geographically, for my siblings and I are quite separated with only one living near our hometown.  We are close in a more intimate way.  We all care about what happens with the other, love getting together, and understand that family is important. 

As I have worked diligently on the Van Hout/Stodolski family tree, I have seen where the close knit families are...and the ones who sort of just worry about their own backyard.  I prefer the families that stay in touch and are able to say that they saw their sibling within the last couple years or spoke to them recently.  For one thing, it is easier to get information from them!

I have also seen those who could really care less about any of their extended family, or even their immediate family.  I think those people miss out on the richness of what a close family offers you.  I love the fact that I can go to any member of my immediate family for advice, consoling, or just to talk.  We haven't always agreed on things and fought like any family would, but in the end, we are there when one of the family needs us.

This journey to add branches and leaves to the family tree has been a fun one.  I have met many new relatives through Facebook, many who lived near me growing up and I didn't even know it. 

I would offer up to you that if you aren't especially close to your family, try to be.  Make that first step.  I have witnessed firsthand some who speak rarely, if ever, to their family and the pain and loss is obvious.  Don't wait for a holiday to let your family know you care.

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