Saturday, March 2, 2013

Family Tradition

After writing about family stories, I got to thinking about one of the traditions in our family that had been going on ever since I could remember.  I figured there must be a story behind it, so I turned to my mother, Arvene (Stodolski) Van Hout, for the history behind our Christmas Eve oyster stew.

Here is the story, as recounted by my mother.  For clarity, her dad was Matthew Stodolski and her Grandpa and Grandma she is referring to, are Joseph and Lucy (Beaudry) Stodolski.  The story:
"In our family Oyster Stew started with my Dad's folks Grandpa and Grandma Stodolski.  Many years ago, we were not allowed to eat meat the day before a holy day, so we had to have a meatless meal Christmas Eve.  As a very young girl, we would go to Grandpa and Grandma's farm for oyster stew before Christmas Mass at midnight.  We would then come home and Santa would have come, so we had our Christmas.  When the weather was bad Grandpa and Grandma would come to town and Grandma would make stew here. We also had salmon loaf. So it started with the Stodolski clan.

  One time when we had to be in town Santa made a visit, another time I remember we heard noise in the basement and wouldn't you know Santa left the toys there."
This tradition remained relatively unchanged as far back as I can remember.  I recall going out to my great grandparent's house when I was very young.  When Grandma died and Grandpa was in the nursing home, we began going out to Grandpa Matt's house for oyster stew.  One thing that was added to the meal somewhere along the line, was Grandma Margaret's olive hot dish (for those who didn't want to eat oyster stew).  The tradition of Santa showing up while we were at Grandma and Grandpa's continued, with either Dad pulling out the gifts while we were getting in the car or slipping out while we were at Grandpa's and running home to play Santa.

After Grandpa Matt died, the Christmas Eve meal was moved to our house where my mother and Grandma Margaret would prepare the stew.  One of the things we looked forward to during that meal was whether or not someone was going to find a pearl in their oysters.  It always seemed that my dad would find a small one each year.  Of course, Santa couldn't come while we were eating anymore, so he came during the night.  By then, however, Santa had become that spirit of Christmas we all get when we are too old to believe he exists.  We did, however, continue for a while at least, the gift exchange we had done for years.

The tradition still lives in my family.  I have continued it over the years with varying degrees of excitement by my children.  None of them care much for the stew, so the amount we make is not much.  Tater Tot hot dish replaced the olive hot dish, since we didn't have the recipe and my kids love Tater Tot hot dish.

Like the stories of our families, often our traditions die off with the older generations.  I hope you will share some of your traditions that you either had, or perhaps still have.  We would love to help you keep them alive.

1 comment:

  1. An update to the story has been furnished by one of my aunts, Lucetta (Cetta)Stodolski Ericson. She adds this:

    I think Grandma Lucy started the olive hot dish as well and Margaret kept up the tradition. I have the recipe and on the card I have "Grandma" written in the corner which would mean the recipe came from her.

    Mom and Dad would tell us to get in the car, then as I recall we'd have to wait for one or both of them, cause mom always forgot something (that's when they were playing Santa Clause) and when we got to Grandma and Grandpas there were presents for us under the tree, we'd have our meal, then open presents. We'd gather around in their small living room and it was always very hot because the cook stove was right there and bodies all over the room but it sure was fun. Grandma and Grandpa didn't have indoor plumbing so we used the facility outside and that was not fun if it was really cold!!

    I always enjoyed watching Grandpa eat pfefferneusse, he'd put a couple in his coffee for a bit then spoon it out and eat it. He took his time eating them, I don't think he was every in a hurry.
